37th anniversary of Iranian Revolution




One can have a debate over the ideological basis of revolution in Iran, but its impact can’t be denied, especially in the field of education.

Do you know the literacy rate in Iran was 17.42% in 1966 which has hiked now to 82%. Before revolution over 60% women in Iran were illiterate now more than 55% of university students are women.

Despite meager resources, currently Iran has the fastest growth rate in science and technology worldwide and it’s the 10th country to produce embryonic human stem cells.

Recently embassy of Iran celebrated 37th anniversary of Revolution, here are some pics for my friends.

Honored to meet H.E Mehdi Honardost, ambassador of Iran to Pakistan, and one of the picture below is with one of the most dearest and cooperative ambassador, H.E Emilion Ion, ambassador of Romania to Pakistan

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