A Step towards Gender Equity through Documentary Exchange




64 per cent of female TV Journalists around the world, even today, experience harassment, intimidation, threats, abuse, gender discrimination not only from the society but also within their own respective organizations.

“To promote gender equality and empower women”, is one of the goal of Millennium development goals set by United Nations in 2015.

In 2016, Asian Broadcasting Union (#ABU) and Korean Broadcasting Service (#KBS) joined hands to invite all the members of ABU to produce a documentary series under the name of #Care-7 project having theme of “Women beyond barriers”.

During the GzDoc festival 2016, Guangzhou, China, I had presented my idea on Gender Equity in TV Journalism and the project got approved.

In May 2017, I couldn’t attend the 2nd meetup of Care-7 producers for some “obvious” reasons in Seoul, Korea, but managed to present my updates regarding my project through Skype.

As always, I am thankful to my Director PTV IRD Madam Shazia Sikandar, who gave me the opportunity for this project and Mr. Beniko, Mr. Park, Madam Hanizah and Mr. Hyunsoo for the motivation and cooperation regarding my cyber appearance in Care-7 project. These are some of the clicks during the second meetup of Care-7, Seoul.

So guys, as always need your prayers to make this project impactful which may help the next generation of female TV journalists.

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