Journey for Google Maps




Malcolm Gladwell says that you need to practice atleast 10,000 hours to master a skill, and for my Mobile Journalism students I always encourage them to volunteer for Google Maps to master their skills as a photographer, videographer, writer and a trail blazer…

Continuing my journey for Google Maps as a Level 8 contributor…I am thankful for Malaysian google guides especially Stephen Abraham, Akmal Bajwa, Pavel Sarwar, Saidul Karim , Wong Chee Weng Cweng and Али Сакиб to be an inspiration to make the cyber world as a better place for netizens… can’t comment on what google is giving me as perks 😛 …but one thing…got many good friends from this…
More exclusive revealations related to Google R&D will be coming soon …stay tuned 😉

Note: These pics were taken during the Google Global 36 walk few weeks ago at Chowkit, Kuala Lumpur.

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