Youth Dialogue on Fake News



Mentoring youth leaders is a huge responsibility, not only you have to provide solutions to the problems but also need to picture the opportunities and challenges lie in near and far future. 19th Melaka International Youth Dialogue was indeed a great event for me as a speaker, mentor and of course as curious learner. Participants representing nearly all the continents expressed their ideas on how fake news has become a menace to their societies and how their governments are devising different strategies to cope up with this challenge. During the workshop participants discussed their thoughts and opinions and put it into recommendations about how public sector, private entities, media and youth should join hands together to combat disinformation. Later that evening, WAY declaration was drafted on the recommendations. The purpose was for all participants to merge their different views and perspectives related to the issues of fake news and completed the document with the most suitable solutions and recommendations. Interesting philosophies, new knowledge, and practical thinking were passed around by my fellow speakers and participants creating magnificent discussions, upon which some agreed and others agreed to disagree but which led to a useful and accessible, final document. The declaration can be found on following link: I would like to congratulate all Ms Ediola Pashollari, Secretary General of World Assembly of Youth, Common Wealth Youth Innovation Hub, my fellow speaker Mr Patrick Sciarratta, Ms Aishwarya Narasimhadevara, Mr Steve Harison, Mr KyungTae Jang, Mr Binit Gurung , Mr Mike Nwielaghi (learnt a lot from you guys) and all the youth leaders took part in the event, also special thanks to my all time favorite Pavel Sarwar. Thank you very much. #YouthNow

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